should I book a vacation thru AAA?
2006-02-15 17:23:48 UTC
should I book a vacation thru AAA?
Four answers:
2006-02-15 17:25:04 UTC
I have had a largely good experience with AAA. They are not always the cheapest option around, however, they are solid in their integrity and reliability. If this is not a very popular destination that you are going to, then I would say go with AAA by all means!
2006-02-16 01:33:13 UTC
It just depends on where you are wanting to go and what you are wanting to do. You will usually get some sort of a discount. But if you are going to an area that requires someone specialized in that area, i.e. Disney, you may not want to. If you just want to get a discounted room from them and that is it, then it is okay. But I find that with AAA, once you book your vacation that is all they want to do with you. I have a hard time getting them to answer questions and helping me make decisions, etc. Usually you are kind of on your own after you book, and sometimes before you book. But again, it really depends on what you are looking for/meaning by a vacation.

Hope this helps
Lone Günman
2006-02-16 01:29:55 UTC
Yes, it's got to be better than booking one through AA.
2006-02-16 01:27:24 UTC
no.they are not that cheap. call this number 818-435-2016 and look for Jack. he works at masai travel. he will hook you up. he has a very personalized service. or email him at

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