think of moving to phoenix is the crime as bad as they say?
2006-02-12 07:03:53 UTC
i keep hearing about the crime,drugs and traffic and that its exspencive to live there is all this as bad as everyone keeps telling us we were real excited about moving to phoenix but now we are concerned please help
Five answers:
2006-02-16 08:59:00 UTC
I was born there and when the crime and drive-bys got so bad in Apache Jun. I moved my family. The crime and gangs in the Valley are equal to Californas crime level. My brother still lives in Chandler and the crime rate still climbs. My folks live in east Mesa crime bad. Gr Aunt lives in Phx, crime bad.
2016-12-18 11:04:47 UTC
fairly frankly "crime" incredibly relies upon on the place you reside and what you define as crime! There at the instant are over 2.5 million human beings residing interior the Phoenix section (city and suburban aspects),. Burglaries are general, as are automobile thefts and specifically aspects some serious crimes do ensue. The metro Phoenix section does no longer have the intense crime fee (homicide, gangs & rape etc) like Detroit, yet by way of scale of this section and that's a rapid becoming super metropolitan section the different varieties of crimes proceed at a intense point. that's in comparison to a coarse l. a. or NYC yet...
2006-02-12 18:01:05 UTC
Whatever you do, stay away from 24th street and Broadway, unles of course you have a death wish. South Phx is rough but not like Chicago or LA. SE Phoenix (Gilbert, etc) is nice but growing very fast.

I lived there for 20 years but left in 1999. So I saw most of the growth the Valley underwent. It has everything you could ask for but it felt like living in a huge shopping mall.
2006-02-12 09:35:47 UTC
You will probably hear that with every major city you want to move to. Phoenix is alright, but stay away from south Phoenix. North Phoenix, Paradise Valley, Scottsdale, Tempe and Chandler are all pretty nice cities to reside in.
2006-02-12 17:14:49 UTC
no, just the opposite, scottsdale paradise valley, fountain hills are the safest by far.

i live in scottsdale and hardly ever hear of crime where i live (scottsdale)

it's all phoenix, marydale, peoria (all basically west side)

come into the nicer, more beautiful area's.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.