What are some of the things you can do for free in Phoenix, AZ?
2006-01-26 05:56:50 UTC
What are some of the things you can do for free in Phoenix, AZ?
Four answers:
2006-02-01 21:14:05 UTC
There are a few places.

Thursdays Phoenix Art Museum is free.

If you are Native American the Heard Museum is free.

The volunteer center sometimes has some very fun projects.

Check out the New Times.
2006-02-01 23:40:23 UTC
Not likely...

Phoenix is one of the most modern cities in the world. I doubt you'll find anything for free. They charge for everything... even for paying!!
Henry's Mom
2006-02-04 02:52:17 UTC
Go hiking around any of the mountains here! That's one of my favorite free pasttimes. Squaw(Piestawa) Peak, South Mountain, North Mountain. There are plenty of places to go exploring here and now is the best time of year!
2006-01-27 15:59:54 UTC

FYI DUM DUM I'm trying to help people get TEN points.

But I'll your dum question.

Ride a bike, go for a walk, walk in the park, fly a kit, walk in the wall,

How's that?

Or are you a picky female

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.